It's official. I'm getting the Cochlear Implant!!

I just went in for my evaluation yesterday and found out that I am a candidate for the implant and I will be getting one. Right now the paper work is being taken care of for the insurance then they'll schedule my surgery and send me some mail to let me know when.

My audiologist name is Rachel and she was great. She was very friendly and easy to talk to. I found out just a few days before that a friend of mine that already has a Cochlear Implant also worked with Rachel so I had already found out that she was great and helpful.

I took the hearing test. This is nothing new to me. I've had plenty of them in my life. The only thing different about this one is she put some hearing aids on me and testing me while wearing them. I've never had that done before. I usually ended up getting hearing aids after a hearing test but never used temporary ones during the test. I could hear some sound withe hearing aids in but it wasn't like "Sound" to me. More like buzzing that caused my inner ear to tingle and itch a little.

As I suspected, my right ear, even with the hearing aid in could barely pick up anything. When I could hear in that ear it was very faint. So faint that I really wasn't sure if I heard anything in it but I could "feel" something just faintly.

While my left ear wasn't much better it did have a stronger response to sounds. When she tested me for speech I picked up a couple of little "squeak" sounds but I didn't really hear a voice and no words came to me. Just little sounds. So little that I couldn't really tell if I heard them or just imagined them.

So, I'll be getting the implant in my left ear. I don't know when it'll be yet. Hopefully the mail will come soon to let me know.
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