ARGH! Missed my first Appointment

I missed my appointment on June 6th. The appointment was in Ann Arbor Michigan (over a 2 hour drive away) at 8:30am. I over slept and didn't wake up till 7am so I didn't have enough time to the Appointment in time.

This was so frustrating because although I knew that all I was going to do that day is take another hearing test (I've had my share of hearing tests in my life), but I had a hard time sleeping the night before. What kept me awake was the thought that tomorrow I will find out if I'll ever be able to hear again. I was hoping that after the hearing test was over they'd tell me that the Cochlear Implant can work for me and that we had to make some decisions such as what ear to get it in, what brand of Implant to use and when to schedule the operation.

The good news is the new appointment is on June 16th at 3pm. I'll post back and share what happens.
2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Ron, I'm SO sorry to hear you've got to wait longer to find out if you qualify. I can imagine how disappointed you must have been! Those early morning appointments when you have a long drive ahead of you are the pits. I'm glad your new appointment is in the afternoon. :)

    Just wanted you to know I'm here and cheering you on!

    ~ Wendi

  2. Ron Says:

    Thank you Wendi. Yea, I'm glad the new appointment is in the PM. If it was in the morning again I was considering going the night before and staying at a hotel.

    I'll come back and share what happens.


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